Saturday, March 26, 2011

I gained 5 pounds and I didn't eat a thing!

Today we renewed our COSTCO membership.  We haven't been "active" members since 2006!  Well, that's not entirely true...we used our card at the COSTCO gas pump for a LONG time after we didn't renew. long as the card "worked"... we "worked" it...then, finally, one day it didn't!!  I know, that wasn't REALLY honest know, gas being what it is and all.....

So, after discussing it for about a week, we decided to renew our membership.  We drove to our nearest COSTCO..which, if you live in Sonoma,  happens to be 18 miles...walked up to the "Membership" counter and said "We'd like to RENEW our membership!".  The Membership Associate kindly looked up our information in the computer and announced..."OH...I see you were CANCELLED!"  Color me slightly embarrassed!  :P

He told us we'd have to fill out another application.  Anyone who knows me knows I feel the same way about filling out "credit" applications as I feel about cruising a shopping mall looking for a parking place!  I've been known to GO HOME if I can't find a parking place in a reasonable amount of time!  So I took the application...said "thank you very much but I'll fill it out at home"...and tried VERY hard not to stomp out of the store (I have less patience than I used to have!)!

By the time we got home.... we had decided I'd fill out the application and we'd head to the "other" COSTCO......which happens to be 18 miles in a DIFFERENT direction ( remind me sometime to tell you how INconvienent it is to live in a lovely "wine country" town with NO box stores!!). :P

Having reached our destination and, after Membership Associate Luis's friendly but bored attention,  we re-joined the COSTCO family,  and we had gotten our pictures taken for our cards (I don't "hate" mine...thank you very much) we grabbed a cart (the size of Texas) and were on our way!

WOW!!!  Things have changed since 2006!  We spent THREE HOURS looking at all the "new" stuff!  Ummmm...prices have gone UP....but the choices...OMG the choices!  OK...most of the food choices aren't any good for us...but...boy do they look G-O-O-D!!  I drawled over all the "pre-made" goodies...all the yummy sounding dishes that all I had to do was microwave!!  I swear I gained 5 pounds just reading the labels!  Sooooooo goooooood.....soooooo bad for us!   That really the big scope of things!

We had fun...and even though we didn't buy all the stuff that looked so good...we ended up spending over $200.00!  And what REALLY stinks is that it doesn't even count towards my "frequent flyer" miles!

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