Sunday, March 27, 2011

I don't know...honest I don't!

Sometimes I get tired of being the "go to" person.  Sometimes I get tired of knowing the answers...sometimes I get tired of NOT knowing the answers!  Sometimes I get tired of people looking to me for the answers!   Sometimes I don't have all the answers folks!!  Figure it out yourselves! 

Did I create this position for myself?  Do I LIKE being the person others "go to" for the answers? the first question ...and yes, sometimes to the second  question....but NOT always!

It happens at happens at happens all the time....

I don't KNOW how much it costs to fly from point A to point B...I don't KNOW how big the plane is...I don't KNOW what that means when it says "drain" is included....I DON'T KNOW!!  READ....ASK...but I DON'T KNOW!!! 

Am I a "control freak"...someone who has to have ALL the answers to MY life and others around me?  No...I don't think so.  I'm a "live and let live" kinda gal.  If you're not treading on MY life...then "hit it" my friend and I'll back you up...!

I'll help you all I can IF I have the answers...BUT, if I don't...LOOK THEM UP...that's how I learned!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way! Although I do ask you a zillion questions but that's only cause you know more than me :-). I love to help people too, but I can not stand the weak who say "I dunno" to every question. I guess that's because you taught us to ask questions, learn and try. I will never forget asking as a kid "Mom, how do you spell (fill in the blank)". Your answer was always the same... "go look it up"! Thank you for that. It taught me more than just how to spell that word :-)
